An error occured. Contact the site administrator.
  • malware detection
  • alert

A subscription is required for this service.

Don’t expose your users to malware that can steal their information or even worse, infect their computer. Make sure your website is safe!

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malware detection

We use a handful of industry-leading malware tools to check for the existence of malware on your website. Due to the nature of the definition of “malware”, our detection mechanisms cannot be 100% accurate. This means the potential exists for malware to exist on your website and our scans did not detect it, as well as the inverse, where our scans detect malware but you may not consider it to be malware.

Pass: Our scanners did not detect the presence of malware on your website.

Warn: Your website may potentially have malware but we couldn’t determine for certain it is malware.

Fail: Your website likely has malware presenct as definined by our malware scanners. FAQ here.

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Not Available

  • uptime monitoring
  • alert

A subscription is requried for this service.

Sign up so we can start monitoring your site and reporting back on your overall uptime as well as sending you immediate alerts when your site is offline and your users are left in the dark!

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uptime monitoring

We continually monitor your website and alert you within minutes of going offline. We alert via email and optionally SMS. If you don’t know what to do in the event of an alert, it’s recommended you call either your webmaster or web host as soon as possible so they can address the issue and get your website back up. FAQ here.

    • spelling issues
    • 0

    You have no spelling issues

    These are words on your website that are not contained in our extended English dictionary. These words are likely spelled incorrectly.

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    spelling issues

    Spelling issues are the number of potential spelling mistakes you have on your website. We check your website against known standard dictionaries. If you have industry specific language (ie medical language) or jargon it may show up as a potential misspelled word even though you don’t consider it to be misspelled. FAQ here.

    • missing images
    • 0

    You have no missing images

    These are missing images on your website. This means the HTML of your website is expecting to insert a remote image but the image referenced was not available.

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    missing images

    This is the number of missing images (aka broken image links) you have on your website. Towards the bottom of the page below this summary you will see the individual missing images listed along with each page of your website where they were found. FAQ here.

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